Modular CPL / ME / IR
Modular CPL / ME / CB-IR
Ready to become a commercial pilot via the modular route? Then you're in the right place.
We aren't the biggest, loudest, or newest flight school. But we've been training pilots since 1987. And our instructors have deep aviation experience, including at the airlines.
"Mikael taught me another level of professionalism and finesse. And Thomas was calm and brought experience from many different types of aircraft."
- Pär Erixon
Join our aviation family and become a commercial pilot with our modular CPL ME IR course.
In this course, you'll fly with experienced instructors. You'll learn how to deal with all kinds of weather. And you'll become the kind of pilot who can handle more than the minimum. The training isn't a walk in the park.
As former Kungsair ME IR student and Air Force pilot Nils Schylström says, "Sometimes the easiest way isn't the best way."
An optional affordable housing package is available. Housing is a convenient 15 minute walk to the flight school.
CPL ME IR Course details
Location: Borlänge, Sweden (ESSD)
Start dates: Flexible
Time required: 3 months during the summer.
During the winter, that can extend to 4 months due to weather.
No extra charges due to weather delays.​
Accommodation: Available at the local flying club
Personal interview including English assessment
Medical Class 1
Night Rating
ELP 4 or higher
100 hours PIC time
159 hours total time
50 hours cross-country time
300 nm cross-country flight with landings at three different airports
Cost: See pricing page
Payment schedule: Course payments are divided into thirds.
The first payment is due prior to reserving your spot.
The second payment is due before you start your CB-IR
The third payment is due before your skill tests.
Aircraft flown:
Diamond DA-20
Piper PA-23 Aztec
FNPT-2 training based on a Beechcraft Duchess
Modular CPL ME IR course description
1. MEP (Multi-engine piston) class rating [ 6 hours ]
You'll fly 6 hours in the Piper Aztec and get your multi-engine class rating.
This aircraft has a Garmin 430 and steam gauges.
You'll learn how to use prop, mixture, and throttle controls for both engines.
2. CPL basic instrument module [ 10 hours ]
You'll learn basic attitude instrument flying.
5 hours will be in the Diamond DA-20. And 5 hours will be in the FNPT-2 simulator.
3. CPL training phase 1 [ 15 hours ]
You'll spend 10 hours in the single-engine DA-20 learning to flying with commercial-level precision.
You'll fly another 5 VFR CPL hours in the multi-engine Piper Aztec.
4. CPL training phase 2 [ 15 hours ]
You'll fly 15 CPL hours in the DA-20.
Then you'll be prepared for the next step.
5. ME CB-IR (EASA Competence-Based Intrument Rating) [ 35 hours ]
This is where the rubber meets the road.
Except there is no road.
It's you, the sky, and your ability to get back to the runway even when you're flying through clouds.
You'll prepare for the real thing with 20 hours of intense simulator sessions in the FNPT-2.
Then, you'll climb into the Aztec with your instructor and do it all for real.
You'll get 15 hours of multi-engine instrument flight time.
And those hours might teach you more than you've ever learned about flying so far.
6. Skill tests
You've done the hard work.
Now it's time to show the Examiner what you're made of.
In the morning, you'll take your ME CPL skill test.
After a short lunch, you'll go back up for round two, and do your multi-engine instrument skill test.
Passing these tests takes intense focus and preparation.
And we'll make sure you're ready.
Ready to get started? Send us a note to get in touch.
Still need ATPL Theory? Learn more
Want to learn to fly from the beginning? Click here
Need some time building? Reach out for time building in our DA-20 or Be77.